Education Grants Wipro Foundation – Apply Before: April 24, 2021

Support Education of Underserved Children with Wipro Education Grants

Support Education of Underserved Children
Wipro Education Grants


We are facing multiple educational challenges in our country. These range from high dropout rates, poor learning-levels, inequity in access to quality education, high prevalence of rote-learning and marks orientation, lack of accountability, to inadequate teacher preparation. These issues are systemic and addressing them requires deliberate, long-term, and sustained planning to build capacities within the system and create public awareness and engagement.

Wipro Education Program has been engaged in building the capacities of important actors in the school education system to bring about the desired reform for close to two decades. We firmly believe that education is an enabler of social change. We envision a democracy where every citizen is empowered, not only in an individual capacity but also believes in the ethics of equity, the essentiality of diversity, the ethos of justice, and is driven by social sensitivity. Schools have to be the spaces that nurture these principles, capabilities, and values.

Good education must ensure the holistic development of the child in multiple dimensions to fulfill and expand their potential as they become active, contributing, and concerned citizens of the world. The numerous dimensions of development include cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and ethical abilities. Learning-to-learn, critical thinking, problem-solving, conceptual understanding, etc., are some of the other important facets of an effective education system.


Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and public institutions have played a critical role in improving school education through sustained work and a wide range of creative interventions. Their work has had a direct impact on the ground and has also led to shifts in educational discourse and practices. However, there is a continuing need for CSOs to address the evolving challenges of school education in the country.

Our approach is to support civil society organizations engaged in school education, to elevate the school learning experience.

We do this through various means, such as –

  • Providing grants of approx. 30 to 60 Lakhs, over three years, to enable the organizations to do focused on-the-ground work

  • Helping strengthen capacity on various educational, operational, and organizational aspects, through a strong network of Resource Organizations

  • Offering mentoring support from experienced practitioners and domain experts

  • Facilitating participation in a vibrant and diverse community of 130+ educational organizations, through thematic meets, partners’ forum, etc.

Please Note: Our Grant Support will not cover requests for running lowfee paying schools, infrastructure support, procurement of assets, sponsorship of students, and so on.

Grant Programs

Systemic Education Reform

The Systemic Education Reform (Wipro Applying Thought in Schools) program aims to strengthen the capacities of organizations that are working, or aim to work closely with teachers, head-teachers, communities, and the public education system (including CRC, BEO, DEO, DIETs, etc.), towards improving the quality of school education in India.

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Access to Education

Under this program, we support CSOs close to Wipro locations, which are working towards:

(a) Enabling access to formal education for children from underserved communities through the public education system

(b) Supporting non-formal education needs of children through bridge/community centers

(c) Or encourage demand for education in families of first-generation school-goers

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Education for Children with Disabilities

This program supports CSOs that meet the specific educational needs of Children with Disabilities and support inclusive education, early interventions and increased engagement with communities and education system.

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Organizations which are currently not being supported under Wipro Education Grants or Fellowship programs are eligible to apply. Please also refer to program-specific eligibility criteria before applying.

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