HCL Foundation – ‘Call for Action’ towards COVID-19 and invites ‘Expression of Interest’

HCL Foundation CSR

The HCL Grant is awarded in the following thematic categories

Complementing the Healthcare Services
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Food Security
Animal Welfare:
Animal Welfare
Training, Capacity Building and Awareness
Education in Emergencies
Early Childhood Care and Development in Emergencies
Health in Emergencies :- High focus on pregnant, lactating mothers, elderly, psychosocial care, mental health, non-communicable and communicable diseases (other than Covid19)
WASH in Emergencies :- High focus of personal and community hygiene, hand washing practices and improved sanitation
Child Protection and Inclusion (PWD, other groups) in Emergencies :-interventions that can support children who were already living in difficult circumstances and have high vulnerability, mitigation efforts that reduce possibilities of any form of abuse or harm with them.
Environment in Emergencies:-where possible with state permissions, continue environment conservation work.
Trust Deed (if NGO) otherwise Memorandum of Association/ By- Law
Pan Card
FCRA certification (Not Mandatory)
Last three-year Income Tax return (ITR)
Audited financials for the last three years
Last year Annual report
Board Members list (with address, designation and contact number)
Any support request letter from Govt. in context of COVID 19
A cover letter to Director, HCL Foundation for submission of expression of interest for partnership singed by the head of organization.
Project duration
Maximum project duration can be of 12 months

For Proposal Submission: Online Submission

Amount of Grant: Undecided

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