Two days online training – ‘People and Forest Interface’ for Non-Governmental Organisations and Community Based Organizations

27th & 28thOctober, 2021

The importance of the social dimension of
forestry in today’s world need not be
overly emphasized. With human
populations exploding across the globe;
the pressure on forests for meeting the
needs of fuel wood, fodder, timber, and
land, has proportionately increased. The
stresses on natural resources due to this
anthropogenic pressure has assumed
dimensions of war for the natural
ecosystems and their myriad inhabitants.
A recognition of the human dimension of
forestry led to the implementation of
Social & Community forestry
programmes in the 1970s and 1980s.
Further recognition of the people’s rights
on forests and their role in forestry came
in the form of the Joint Forest
Management (JFM) Resolution in 1991. A
decade and a half later, the Scheduled
Tribes and other Forest Dwellers Act,
2006 was enacted, which further
intensified this recognition of people’s
stake in the forests.
1. To understand and appreciate the
indispensability of people’s
participation in forest management
2. To eplore ways of improving
livelihood opportunities of people
living near forest areas and
decrease their dependency on
Target Audience
NGOs and Community Based
Organizations (CBOs) of the States
through interactive video conferencing
facility (Microsoft Teams). Study
materials in soft copy shall also be made
available to the participants.
Proposed Outcome
To prepare a dedicated body of NGO/
CBO volunteers, personnel who have a
fair amount of awareness and
background knowledge about the issues
related to Forests, Environment, and
Wildlife Conservation. It is expected that
properly informed and aware
NGOs/CBOs will be able to exert a
positive influence on the portrayal of
forest and environment issues to the
• In-house faculty having experience
in the subject
• Senior officers with their experience
in the field
• Eminent persons with experience in
the field
Course Style
• Two-days’ online training
• Issue-oriented
• Trainee-centered
• Experience sharing and peer
• Practical inputs by discussions with
experts involved in people and
forest interface
• Supported/ Supplemented by
visuals and reading material

Mode of Delivery
The sessions will be held online through
the Microsoft Teams portal with audio-
visual aids. The participants will need to
make themselves available at a place
with a computer/ laptop and good internet
connectivity. Video conferencing facilities
including microphones and cameras
should be available which can also be
availed through smartphones.
The course will be of two days duration
commencing at 10 am on 27th and ending
on 05.00 pm on 28th October. There will
be four sessions of about 90 minutes
each on both days.
The registration of participants will start
from 15th October 2021 and end on 26th
October 2021. The participants will need
to register themselves on Microsoft
Teams portal the link for which is
Topics to be Covered
The program will cover exhaustive topics
related to People and Forest Interface.
Some of the key topics to be covered will
• Protected Area and People
• Eco-development Initiative in
Maharashtra: A Case Study
• Forest Fringe Village Dynamics
• Integration of Panchayati Raj
• Gender Empowerment through
• Relocation of Tribal communities in
Coorg: A Case Study
Course Material
In addition to the classroom
sessions, all the course material,
papers, presentations, etc will be
shared with the participants through
the mail and other electronic means.
A certificate of participation will be
provided to the participants at the end
of the course who have attended at
least 75% of the total sessions.
Programme Schedule

Central Academy for State Forest Service,
Established in 1981, Central Academy for State Forest Service (CASFOS), Dehradun
is a premier Institute under the aegis of Directorate of Forest Education, Ministry of
Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India, with a mandate of
imparting training on forestry, wildlife and environment.
Please feel free to stay in touch with us
Amlendu Pathak, IFS,
Course Director
Rajnarayan Yadav,
Course Clerk
Central Academy for State Forest Service,
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change,
P.O. New Forest, F.R.I., Dehradun, Uttarakhand – 248006
: 0135-2754575, Email:


Use this link to Register to Training Nominate By Vice President  Amit Mehta Aadhaar Samajik Vikas Samiti Dehradun

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